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Event and Trade Show Follow Up: Everything You Need To Know

Event and Trade Show Follow Up: Everything You Need To Know

One of the primary goals of conducting or visiting a trade show is to get potential leads or to convert cold prospects into business deals. According to a study, nearly 64% of trade show attendees are not current customers of the business on display. Event and Trade Show Follow-up is essential to having greater attendance. See more about this here.

Not only is Event and Trade Show Follow-up an opportunity which should be capitalized upon, but effective follow-ups also require a well thought-out plan. In this blog, we will explore why trade show follow up is crucial, and discuss other important steps to facilitate good conversions. 

Trade Show Follow Up: Why Is It Crucial? 

For proper Event and Trade Show Follow Up, remember: Always reconnect with registered attendees. Trade shows and events present exceptional opportunities for B2B companies to establish connections, showcase their products or services, and generate new leads. However, the true value lies in the follow-up process after these events. Ideally, every attendee that spoke with a rep should be reached out to by the same rep. This allows clients to remember their event conversation and also presents them with a familiar face.

increase attendance at events. Event and Trade Show Follow Up

Here are two key reasons that a trade show follow up is important: 

  • Relationship Building: Trust is a fundamental component of any successful business relationship. Following up after an event allows you to nurture connections with potential clients and partners, fostering trust and paving the way for long-term collaborations.
  • Showcasing Expertise: Post-event communication presents an ideal opportunity to provide valuable insights, share industry news, and demonstrate your company’s expertise. This not only helps to position your brand as an authority in your field but also reinforces your commitment to delivering value. 

Who Do You Need to Follow Up With? 

Effective Event and Trade Show Follow-up also means follow-up after trade shows and events. This requires identifying the right people to contact. To maximize your chances of success, consider these three key groups for follow-up communication: 

Registered Individuals and Businesses 

Event and Trade Show Follow-up means: These are the folks who have actively expressed interest in your company or its offerings by registering for your event, signing up for a newsletter, or participating in a product demonstration. Since they’ve already shown some level of engagement, it’s important to capitalize on that interest.

  • Personalize Your Approach: Address them by name and reference the specific event or activity they participated in. This tailored communication will demonstrate that you value their time and attention.
  • Offer Additional Value: Share relevant resources, industry updates, or exclusive discounts to strengthen the connection and entice them to take further action. 

Individuals Who Were Not Attended By a Rep 

Event and Trade Show Follow Up: Everything You Need To Know. These are trade show attendees who visited your booth, swiped their ID card, but didn’t have the chance to engage with a representative. Although they might not have had a direct conversation with your team, they still represent potential leads.

  • Acknowledge the Missed Connection: Open your follow-up message by acknowledging that you didn’t get a chance to speak with them personally. This sets the stage for a more genuine interaction.
  • Encourage Further Dialogue: Invite them to schedule a call or meeting to discuss their needs, interests, or concerns. Provide multiple communication channels (e.g., phone, email, or social media) to make it convenient for them to connect with you.

Cold Follow-Ups for Mass Events

For large-scale events with massive attendance, prompt follow-up is essential to ensure that potential leads don’t slip through the cracks.

  • Segment your Audience: Categorize attendees based on factors like industry, job title, or company size. This will help you craft targeted messages that address their unique pain points and challenges.
  • Create a Sense of Urgency: Encourage prompt action by offering time-sensitive deals or promotions. This can motivate potential leads to engage with your company before the opportunity passes.

In summary, identifying the right individuals to follow up with after trade shows and events is a critical aspect of maximizing your ROI. By focusing on registered individuals and businesses, attendees who were not attended by a rep, and cold follow-ups for mass events, you can increase the likelihood of converting leads into customers.

Things to Keep in Mind When Following Up with a Lead 

When chasing up a prospect, it’s absolutely vital to have a game plan that ensures the convo is both informative and engaging. Here’s an intriguing yet straightforward flow to steer your chit-chat and a few key pointers that’ll help you make a lasting impact.

Event and Trade Show Follow Up
  • Breaking the Ice: Initiate the call with a warm, friendly “hello” and mention the event where you guys met or connected. Adding that personal touch will make your prospect feel valued and help you build rapport.
  • Mission Statement: Lay down the purpose of your call right off the bat, tackling any questions or concerns the lead may have. For instance, you might want to gab about their event experience, explore potential collabs, or showcase a product demo. By clarifying the call’s aim, you’ll keep the conversation on track and fruitful.
  • Next Steps: Before bidding adieu, set the wheels in motion for next steps. This could be penciling in a follow-up call, dishing out extra info, or arranging a product trial. By outlining a clear trajectory, you’ll create a sense of progress and dedication.
  • Closing: Conclude the call on an upbeat note, expressing gratitude for the lead’s time and reiterating your enthusiasm about the potential teamwork. A sincere and eager goodbye will leave a lasting impression and pave the way for future convos.

With the strategies given above, you will not only increase your likelihood of getting more clients, but also make your event more fruitful. To further improve on this process, be sure to keep working on your interpersonal skills and establish close connections with your clients by identifying common pain points. Check here for more information. If you have a non-profit event, check out information on software for non profits.

Event and Trade Show Follow Up