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Event Registration: All You Need to Know 

Event Registration: All You Need to Know 

Imagine you’re gearing up for an exciting journey, one that takes you through the vibrant landscape of business-to-business (B2B) marketing. Event registration is your trusty compass, guiding you in the right direction to forge meaningful connections and drive sales. Let’s learn how to increase event registration and attendance.

An effective event registration process ensures that businesses can attract, engage, and retain potential clients and partners. 

This in-depth guide will explore the importance of event registration in B2B marketing, delving into the various types of events, strategies to maximize client outreach post-event, and practical tips to help you stand out from the competition. 

Event Registration: At a Glance

The realm of B2B marketing is brimming with events that cater to diverse needs and objectives. Gaining a solid grasp of the distinct event types is key to leveraging their full potential. Here, we’ll examine seminars, trade shows, and web demos, highlighting their advantages and providing valuable registration strategies. The key is to increase event registration and attendance.

Trade Shows

Trade shows are large-scale exhibitions where companies from a specific industry showcase their products and services. They offer B2B marketers the chance to network with industry peers, potential clients, and even competitors. In 2019, the United States hosted over 31,000 trade shows, attracting more than 16 million attendees. Success depends on how to increase event registration and attendance.

Lead generation and positive brand exposure are two of the biggest positives of trade shows. 


Seminars are smaller, more intimate gatherings that revolve around a specific topic or industry. Generally hosted by an expert speaker, seminars facilitate in-depth discussions and knowledge sharing among participants. They offer an excellent platform for B2B marketers to showcase their expertise and build rapport with potential clients. This why it is necessary to increase event registration and attendance.

how to increase event attendance

Benefits of seminars include increased brand visibility, direct interaction with potential clients, and opportunities to establish thought leadership. To ensure successful registration, follow these tips:

  • Create a compelling event page with a clear description of the seminar’s topic and objectives.
  • Promote the event through targeted email campaigns, social media, and industry forums.
  • Offer early-bird discounts to incentivize registrations.

Web Demos 

Web demos are online presentations where companies showcase their products or services through a virtual platform. These demos have gained popularity, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when in-person events were restricted. In 2020, 93% of event organizers opted for virtual events as a response to the pandemic.

The benefits of web demos include global reach, reduced costs, and the ability to engage attendees through interactive features. To optimize registration for web demos, keep these tips in mind:

  • Use an easy-to-navigate platform with features that enhance user experience.
  • Promote the event on social media, industry forums, and through targeted email campaigns.
  • Record the web demo and offer on-demand access for those unable to attend live.

Strategies to Maximize Client Outreach Post an Event 

A. Email Follow-Up: Seizing Opportunities with Precision Timing

Picture this: Your event has just concluded, leaving a trail of potential leads in its wake. Now, it’s time to capitalize on those connections with the power of timely and effective email follow-ups. These messages play a vital role in nurturing leads, fostering relationships, and maintaining momentum.

The importance of email follow-ups cannot be overstated. Like a perfectly timed encore after a show-stopping performance, they keep your audience engaged and eager for more. To ensure your follow-up emails hit the right notes, consider these guidelines:

  • Timing: Strike while the iron is hot. Send your initial follow-up email within 24-48 hours after the event to keep the conversation fresh in attendees’ minds.
  • Content: Provide value in your follow-up by sharing relevant resources, addressing questions, or offering exclusive promotions.
  • Personalization: Tailor your message to each recipient by referencing specific interactions or shared experiences from the event.

B. Personalized Outreach: Crafting Memorable Experiences that Resonate

In a world overflowing with generic marketing messages, personalized outreach stands out like a beacon of authenticity. By customizing your post-event communication, you create memorable experiences that resonate with your audience, ultimately increasing the likelihood of conversion.

The significance of personalized outreach lies in its ability to forge genuine connections. To master this art, use these strategies:

  • Segmentation: Group attendees based on their interests, industries, or event interactions to tailor your messaging accordingly.
  • Targeted Content: Craft content that addresses the unique needs and pain points of each segment, demonstrating your understanding of their specific circumstances.
  • Individualization: For high-value leads, consider crafting individualized messages that reference one-on-one conversations or shared experiences during the event.

For instance, imagine you hosted a webinar on digital marketing strategies. For attendees who expressed interest in social media advertising, you could send a follow-up email with a case study showcasing the success of a recent social media campaign.

event registration planning

Photo by Mailchimp on Unsplash

C. Phone Appointments: Nurturing Leads through the Power of Conversation

Phone appointments are the tried-and-true method for building rapport and nurturing leads in a B2B landscape. They offer the opportunity for direct, one-on-one communication, enabling businesses to address questions, gather feedback, and discuss potential collaborations.

The value of phone appointments lies in their ability to foster strong connections through real-time interaction. To make the most of these conversations, keep these tips in mind:

  • Preparation: Research your lead’s background, industry, and potential needs prior to the call to demonstrate your investment in their success.
  • Active Listening: Give your lead the opportunity to express their thoughts and concerns, then respond thoughtfully and empathetically.
  • Follow-Up: After the call, send a summary email outlining key discussion points and proposed next steps to maintain momentum.

Additional Tips 

  • Event registration is typically done online, so you should be comfortable navigating websites and filling out forms. You may need to provide personal information such as your name, address, phone number, and email address. 
  • Depending on the event, you may also need to provide payment information or proof of eligibility for discounts or special offers. Some events require additional documents such as a copy of your driver’s license or passport in order to register. 
  • Many events have limited space available and can fill up quickly; it’s important to register early if possible. Once registered, you will usually receive an email confirmation with details about the event including location and time. 
  • Most events offer refunds if canceled within a certain time frame prior to the start date; make sure you understand their refund policy before registering. 


Event registration and post-event outreach are instrumental in cultivating valuable connections and driving business growth. By embracing the unique characteristics of seminars, trade shows, and web demos, you can optimize your registration strategies for maximum impact. This way, you’ll effectively nurture leads and strengthen relationships with potential clients.

PhoneForce helps you in this endeavour by connecting executive-level B2B clients and helping you with lead generation services. 

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